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Lead Principal Investigator:Marsad



Wajdi Zaghouani is an associate professor in residence in the Communication program at Northwestern University in Qatar. Previously, he was an associate professor in digital humanities at Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) in Qatar.

He holds a BA in language sciences with a minor in computer science from the University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada, an MA in linguistics from the University of Montreal, and a PhD in natural language processing from the University of Paris Nanterre.

His research focuses on various areas of artificial intelligence and computational linguistics, including Arabic data analytics, social media analytics, fake news, and hate speech detection.

Zaghouani has participated in several human language technology projects, such as the Penn Arabic TreeBank and PropBank, the Multi-Arabic Dialect Applications and Resources project (MADAR), and the Qatar Arabic Language Bank (QALB). He has also worked at the Joint Research Center of the European Commission, the University of Montreal, Carnegie Mellon University, and the University of Pennsylvania.

Zaghouani has secured several competitive research grants, primarily from the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF), with a total of USD 6 million. These grants have supported various projects, including the MARSAD Social Media Observatory project, the Hate Speech and Polarization in Arabic Social Media Detection project, the Social Cohesion in the Arab World project, and the Author Profiling project. His professional experience extends to consulting for companies in big data and information management, including Nuance, OpenText, Nstein Technologies, Temis France, and Lionridge.

Zaghouani has been involved in organizing international conferences and workshops, including Arabic Natural Language Processing conferences and workshops, the Social Media Analysis in the Arab World SocInfo 2019 workshop, the QICC Fake News Detection Contest, the CheckThat! Fact Checking CLEF Lab, and the Arabic Author Profiling and Deception Detection FIRE 2019 Task among others. In addition to his research and teaching roles, Zaghouani serves as an associate editor for several prominent journals in his field. These include the Journal of Natural Language Engineering (JNLE), ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing (TALLIP), Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, and Nature Communications, among others.
He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers in international conferences and journals, with his work receiving over 3,140 citations and an h-index of 32.

The Future of Digital Citizenship in Qatar : a Socio-Technical Framework


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Research Sponsored by Qatar National Research Fund, NPRP14C-0916-210015